I think i really like to shoot flowers, cos my camera has this special function to enhance the colors for the flowers. So here they are.
This lonely fern was growing on the driveway at my house. Always a motivation to see how even the plants fight to survive in this concrete jungle of ours.
A plant that's growing on the side of the driveway. It's leaves reminds me of the shamrock leaf.
I always thought this is the African Violet Tree, but then when I looked it up, it's not. So I have no idea what flower this is as it grows opposite my house. But it blooms nicely and parrots love to flock on this tree.
This is the closed bud of the flower in the next photo. Kind of reminds me of the deadly plants in the movie Jumanji.
My neighbor's yellow flowers. It covers the fencing of her house. I think they are poisonous, but pretty anyway.
More flowers of my neighbor that grows on the fence. Thought it's rather depressing for the flowers to be facing down. Nice colors it has though.
Same periwinkle plant of my neighbor. This, I'm sure, is a poisonous plant.
Then, dark clouds began to form. So I had to stop taking photos, less my camera gets wet.
And rain happens.
Wanted to go to the Japanese Cemetery nearby to take photos, but guess i can't due to the rain. Instead, I ended up sitting in front of my computer to blog this entry. Indeed, Man can plan all they want, but God's will is always above ours.
"In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps." - Proverbs 16:9
nice blog. =] i love the flower pictures. nva haf i got the intrest to take them.. now u showed me how beautiful flowers can be.
whaha. i chased dragonflies but never did i chased a butterfly to take a picture of it.
hmmm.. i love ur art pieces. cute. wad do u do @ work huh? creating art pieces is cool.. and then u get paid..whahhaaa
i wonder how to u haf so much time to do man.?!! any secrect recipes?
i need ur secret recipe..!! tell me..tell me!!
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