Thursday, August 02, 2007

Action Against Tree Abuse (ATTA)

Recently, my OC and Directors made a really dumb decision together at work. They decided that we should print out every single case that the police handles, so that we won't miss anything. But guess what, instead of helping us, this process lags and jams the system, thus causing us to become inefficient and slow.

My prayer: "Lord, bless the leaders and authorities in my life with wisdom, Lord, that they may make decisions that actually helps, instead of causing unnecessary wastage of paper and our time."

This "smart" decision is interpreted by us as a death sentence to one tree per month. Yes, we calculated. Police has got about 2000+ cases per day. And if each case is printed out, we'll be using 2000 pieces of A4 paper for this process. In a week we would have used an additional of 14000 pieces of paper. And in a month, we would have wasted 56000 pieces of paper. So each A4 stack of paper is 500 pieces, and there are 5 stacks in one box. So here's how much paper we are going to use for August if these "bosses" of our don't change their decision.

22 Boxes of A4 paper for just August

Plus the normal consumption of paper that we already are using, it adds up to almost 80000 pieces of paper. Not adding the printing errors, the paper jams. Guess what. A tree produces about 80000 pieces of paper. See here. So we will be using one tree per month. What happened to the Live Earth message? Did it not get into the thick skulls of our bosses? Were movies such as "The Day after Tomorrow" not enough to tell them that Global Warming is here? Oh do I want to smack them in the back of the head and say, "Stop killing trees". But that I cannot do. So we do what we can. We set up a pressure group called "Action Against Tree Abuse, (A.A.T.A)", that lasted a few hours before we had to go home. This is our message.

Save Trees, Save World

Anyway, we also had a Nutella Challenge, a challenge for 5 bucks. You don't wanna know what happened.

A thick layer of nutella on a piece of milk bread. Nutty.
(And I know what it looks like, no need to say.)

And this is my favorite kind of butterfly/moth. No idea what is it actually called, all I know it has a common name of Day-Flying Moth, or Tiger Moth.