Thursday, December 06, 2007

Honour your parents, some old photos from the past

"Honor your father and your mother" -Exodus 20:12a

What else more do I have to say. I love my family, even though sometimes I take them for granted. The Lord has indeed blessed me with the best parents I could ever wish for. Thank you Mom and Dad.

FAMILY = Father And Mother I Love You

Indeed, how precious and lovely it is to have peace in the household.

Grandma and Grandpa(Dad's side) at a birthday celebration a few years ago

I wanted to take this photo with my grandma for the longest time, which was also why I bought this camera also. And after taking this photo, my grandma had a stroke, which changed her life totally. Looking back at this photo, makes me cherish her much more. Life is fragile, treasure it.

Me and my grandma(Mom's side) at her birthday celebration yesterday. She is always so joyful. Love you, Ah mah...

My sister when she was just a kid, and my grandma. Taken long ago when we were still living in the bungalow, which was torn down to build our current house. Sometimes I still have dreams of the old house.

Keli, me and Maria at our Graduation Dinner a few years ago.

Indeed, taking night photos require a tripod stand. Photos turn out much clearer and nicer too. This was just taken a while ago. There's a nice long stretch of clouds in the distance which is lighted up by the city lights. The reason why we don't see many stars too. Singapore is just too bright.